Year 7 Team Building

On Wednesday 19 September, Year 7 will take part in a team building day.

We believe that forming strong working relationships to enable collaborative learning is essential in Year 7 and therefore after the success of last year’s activities, we have decided to run a similar team building day.  The day helps to promote positive relationships between all members of the tutor group alongside the tutor.

In the morning half of the year group will be onsite doing activities whilst the other half will be on a team walk along the seafront towards GAFIRS (Gosport and Fareham Inshore Rescue Service) and Fort Gilkicker. The middle of the day will see the whole year group come together and then in the afternoon they will swap around between walking and onsite activities.

There is no cost to the activities and all pupils will be onsite during break and lunch, so there is no change to their normal lunch time and the canteen will still be available to them.  The school day will also be the same, starting at 8.30am and finishing at 3.10pm.

Pupils will need to come to school in their PE kit and be prepared to be outside for much of the day.  They should bring a suitable rain coat and have their water bottle with them along with their usual arrangements for lunchtime.

Should you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope the pupils will thoroughly enjoy the day and we look forward to seeing them take part.

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Contact Info
  • King's Academy Bay House, Gomer Lane, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 2QP
  • (023) 9258 7931

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